I just wanted to let you know of a wonderful find I found to be honest I would be lost without it now .. for my designs it is a simple program. You install it set your Folders View option.
It is a Thumbnail Viewer for Windows File Explorer for WindowsXp-10 32 or 64 bit
It says for Photoshop but it will work for Paint Shop Pro too .. ( Brushes and PSD Files in Paint Shop Pro) .. I love it ..
It shows thumbnails for the Windows Explorer.. Everyone that work with photoshop psd files knows you can not see a preview thumbnail with this tool you can .. I use to have to make a copy of the psd file in a paint shop pro file format to view the file in Windows Explorer … This it works for brushes .to . If you have the Windows /View / Preview Pain option
If you have Photoshop it does thumbnails for brushes, layer styles. shapes, patterns, gradients, contours , swatches , psd files .
The price is 10$ .. but I think it is a worth it at any price …… Bev
Check the video below & To Buy – Click Here & If you get it directions how to install is included