A Design Box With A Personal Touch

Add PSP To DEP Exclusion List

Download Zip for print or saving to keep for later it contains the tutorial in pfd & rich text document & plus tutorial images 

We made a zip file for you if you want to save or print the tutorials … The zip file contains the tutorial & images to the tutorial , the tutorials is in 2 formats, (Rich Text Document .RTF} &  (Portable Document Format .PDF ) . You would need a pdf reader click here . or If you have Windows 10 you can open  pdf files in the Edge, Chrome or Firefox Browsers ( That is what we use ).   To open the Rich Text Document use Wordpad that comes with Windows… .

 Both  32 & 64 Bit  Computer Users   :

This fix is what I use all the time with my Dell I swear this helps allot for me  this is for  Windows 7-10  both 32 and 64 bit users this helps getting your plugins running  better on a new computer and newer version of Paint Shop Pro we need to add PSP in the list to stop some plugins being rejected:   and I have no problems with my plugins  the guy who taught me PSP pointed this out to me most psp people do not know this or do not do it  they recommend this on the Corel PSP  Forums too …  I recommend if you have  newer Paint shop Pro Specially PSPX6  to current  and Windows 7-10 to do this if it does not  help you can undo it .. very easily ..

this fix helps make PSP 32 & old plugins show & run better in Windows 7-10

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security layer that has been a part of Window Appearance since XP Service Pack 2. DEP is a processor feature . Unfortunately, legitimate older software & older plugins that has not yet been updated to comply with DEP will be prevented from running as well.

You will need to add only your psp 32 bit to the except list  not your 64 bit so your old plugins can run you be sure to reboot computer afterwards this is a really easy to do I promise

Click on image for better view


How To Add  to DEP List

Windows Vista -7 Users

Windows Vista- 7 Users

Go Start / Control Panel

Click on System & Security

Click on Security

On Left Side Click on Advanced System Setting

Click on Advanced

Go To Performance under Performance Click Settings

Go To Data Execution Prevention tab ( look at picture above )

Be sure Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select: is marked

Click on the Add tab find your PSP 32 bit icon press Apply & Ok

32 bit PSP Icon that you need to add Location IS Under C:\Program Files (x86:)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro 2018/Corel PaintShop Pro.exe
(it will look like like your 32 bit PSP icon that appears on desktop or taskbar )

and Reboot Computer

Windows 8 Users

Right click on My Computer or This PC /Computer Icon

Click on Properties

Click on the Advanced System Setting ( on right) Advanced tab

Click on the Settings button in the Performance section

Click on the Data Execution Prevention tab ( look at picture above)

Be sure Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select: is marked

Click on the Add tab find your PSP 32 bit icon press Apply & Ok

32 bit PSP Icon that you need to add Location IS Under C:\Program Files (x86:)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro 2018/Corel PaintShop Pro.exe

(it will look like like your 32 bit PSP icon that appears on desktop or taskbar )

and Reboot Computer

Windows 10 Users

Right click on This PC /Computer Icon on your computer if you do not have the icon put in search box This PC .

Click on  Properties

Settings Page  About page will appear  with your  computer info  on the far right there is a list of links  press on link Advance System settings a pop up will appear.

Press The Advanced Tab  & Click on the Settings button  under the Performance section another pop up will appear .

Click on the Data Execution Prevention tab ( look at picture above )

Be sure Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select: is marked

Click on the Add tab find your PSP 32 bit icon press Apply & Ok ( look at picture above )

32 bit PSP Icon that you need to add Location IS Under  C:\Program Files (x86:)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Corel\Corel PaintShop Pro 2018/Corel PaintShop Pro.exe

(it will look like like your 32 bit PSP icon that appears on desktop or taskbar )

and Reboot Computer..

if you are having trouble still with plugins please check our Plugin Trouble Shooter Page = Click Here