Category: psp help
To Create Without Hassle Double Check Computer,
Double Check Computer, of updates and drivers that your computer might have missed. So you can create with your graphic editor with no hassles or woes.
Retouching & Restoring Photos in PSP
Basic beginner tutorial; How to retouch& restore photos in Paint Shop Pro
Eye Candy 4 Gradient Glow Fat Preset
plugin Eye Candy 4 is missing a preset “Gradient Glow here is the preset directions to get it back
Run Compatibility Mode
Running PSP or plugins in Run Compatibility Mode might help with your plugin problem
PSP Plugin Trouble Shooter
PSP Plugin trouble Shooter if you upgrade to a new computer or newer version of Paint Shop Pro & having trouble with plugin
Add PSP To DEP Exclusion List
How add your Paint Shop Pro 32bit on The Data Execution Prevention List to get old plugins to show or run
Install PSP if You Have 64 Bit
Installing PSP X6- PSP 2018 on 64 bit computers a little different then old days…
Animation Shop Optimize Default
Animation Shop that works with Paint Shop Pro This is the default and best way to save transparent gifs without that nasty black ring